In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Greetings from St. Louie

I went to the cubs/cards game a couple of weeks ago with May and Jared. The new stadium is un-believable! Drinking was more of a job than a recreational activity, though, so im sorry if this blog is short but I dont remember a whole lot. As for the things that I do remember...

I turned May into a smashing pumpkins lover. Its nice to turn someone into something that you've been for so long.

Teddy recently purchased a loft in the downtown area. Thats his girlfriend at the top of the page. Her name is Brooke. They live about 8 blocks away from the stadium so it was nice to be in the middle of everything. A few steps down from wrigleyville, but still a great time.

The city isnt really what I expected. I envisioned this bustling metropolis where you had to be quick on your feet and fast with your words. That wasnt the case at all. The place was basically dead except for the stadium and its surrounding areas. You got the feeling that the entire city shut down for ball games. I also felt like I ran into more bums than people. May has officially taken over as the guy who throws his money away on bums. He spent a good $20 in about two days on the bums. And these werent the down-on-luck, I want to feel sorry for bums (like old man cock-a-poo), these were the fast talking, Ill fuck you up if you dont give me something bums (like tupac). We were basically in an isolated area the whole time though, so I dont know how the rest of the city is.

Anytime we want to check out a cubbies game in St. Louie we now have a place to stay. So keep that in mind. Hope everyones well.


List of Assets

As Davit and I currently figure out our upcoming apartment situation, I have come up with a list of everything we have to contribute.

1 10 year old sectional with old peanut shells between the cushions.
1 half broken entertainment center
2 p.o.s. tvs
1 futon
1 8 year weigth bench (in mint condition)
1 walking stick
1 official Northern Illinois folding chair

We will be accepting donations c/o The Most Pathetic Apartment Ever.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

San Francisco

After going on hiatus for two weeks, traveling the state of California from LA to San Fran with Parker, I am back to the blog. And there appear to have been some changes; we have two new teammates, both of whom have posted some interesting articles; one is obcessed with farting pigs, the other is writing drunk blogs about how his friends don't like him anymore. Well, that's what this site is for, to communicate with the people who do like you.

I had a great week with Parkman, I forgot how much better life can be when you have a good friend around to do stupid shit with. Then you throw G-Nuts and P in at the end of the week, and it's pretty tough to beat. And I think Park had a good week as well. He went to Best Damn the day he got here, then we went to American Idol, Cubs/Dodgers, Jimmy Kimmel, and Angels/A's throughout the rest of the week, so we definitely got our shit done. And if you consider "bringing your game" to be yelling "I love you, Kelli!" to Kelli Pickler during a commercial break at American Idol, directing traffic in the streets of San Francisco, and chasing a 60 year old German couple down the street demanding they come into the bar with us to have a drink, then Parker brought his A-game.

But Parker did so much more. He took pictures with random hot girls he didn't know.

He came very close to buying this hat.

And he wasn't at all insecure when I asked him to do gay stretching while waiting for BART to come. (BART is the train system in San Fran)

Overall, I was very impressed with San Francisco. Grayson's house was built in the late 1800's and he has a pond with fish in his backyard along with pet chickens. We found a great little bar in Chinatown and watched Parker dance through the streets and play air guitar (Tax season is over, so he is back to being a normal person! Good luck all you accountants!) Mostly, I liked the laid-back vibe and diverse crowd that San Fran offers. Speaking of diversity, Parker continuously called Praveen "his only nigger friend" during our weekend stay.

Before we went to San Fran, however, we had a great week in LA. Monique, Park, and I went out for his birthday the first night. I had no idea it was his birthday when he first got here, but after I was told, I promptly forgot. Of course, Monique saved the day as she always does. She snuck off at dinner and got the waitress to bring over a mini-cake for Park. That is why Monique is a better person than me, and all of you, and pretty much everyone else on the planet. Ask Park, he will tell you the same.

One of the scarier occurences took place when we got back to my apartment after doing a late night cruise through the hills of Bel Air. Hungry for some of Monique's rice soup, I opened the cabinet to get a bowl and was introduced to my new roommate: Speedy McCockroach. And yes, he was speedy. But I showed him my Umbro shoe, and he decided to move out.

Most importantly, Parkman and I bonded during our week. We talked about politics, girls, whether or not the flux capacitor has an on-off switch. We talked about life- and experienced it. I'm glad he came out and I am looking forward to future visitors.

Friday, April 28, 2006


What's in a friend?

How do I know someone for nine years....but not even know them?

How is it that I want to beleive everything someone says to me, yet realize in the end that it is a lie....

How is it I lose a friend?

Ever since I've come back to Naperville, I wanted to believe that the friends that were close to me at North were the friends that I could keep for a lifetime.

Not discounting the comments made by Hatfield and Scabs that; "Stop calling them your friends"....but, I do remember the times throughout high school when I wasn't as close of friends to everyone else.

How do I face the inevitable.

Belgium Farting Pig

I think all of you know how much I hate cartoons but for me to find this funny means it is actually funny. Check this link out, it is ten times better than the ninja video. Its only two minutes so make sure to watch the whole thing.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Blog President - Dr. Cliffton Schiffman

Blog Mates,

I have decided to nominate myself for blog president. I am building a campaign and looking to hire running mates. If anyone is interested please contact me via blog "In The Ends". I will be looking to governize the blog and retain full blog control over all blog issues. Rules will be made and laws will be enforced. Everyone will have a blog role and a blog duty. During my campaign I will be known as DR. Clifton Schiffman. Please address the blog with any questions or concerns you might have.


Facts of Life

Did you know that Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer..........too bad he has never cried.

Chuck Norris has counted to infiniti.......twice.

Chuck Norris doesn't sleep. He waits.

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

Chuck Norris has never had a heart attack. His heart is too afraid to attack him.

They were going to release a Chuck Norris edition of Clue, but the answer always turns out to be "Chuck Norris. In The Library. With a Roundhouse Kick."

If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds 'til." After you ask, "Two seconds 'til what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.

More fun little facts at

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I have to defend Tc here Sesh. With some help from Ratty I put together a nickname list and "T-bone Stallone" easily made the cut. The derivation of just plain "Stallone" is classic arrogance from the Jackson family (always trying to associate themselves with either celebreties or high culture), but we've got to let it slide. Anyway here is the rest of the list. (Some of the nicknames are parenthetically attributed where they are primarily used by one person).


T.C., T-Jack, Teece, Snuggle Bear, Snugs, Meatball, T-bone, T-bone Stallone, Terry, Clifford, Cliff


Scabbies, Scabs, Rabbies, Rabes, Scrabes, Scrabs, Scruffies, Frazzies, Wojo (Gordon), Dumbshit (Wolf), Scabby-man.


P-rat, P-money, P-muns, Tarzan, Adonis,

Jay Davits-

J-cash, Ronnie, Ronnie McD, Bozo, Sideshow, Ron-Ron, Shmeggly, Shmiggly Shmegs, J.D.


Hat, Ratty, Ratfield, Machine (John Sundin), Hollywood

So ham-

Slowy (Jules), So, So-So Def (himself?)


Sesh, Dutch Boy, Smells, Sneaks, Smelly-Sesh, Benny-poo (Jules), Squelch, Smelly-One-Kenobi, Slimer, Gay Ben, Sesh-Fag, The Hebrew Hammer.


Little Billy/Little Bills, The Billy Mouse, Little Billy Pabilly Mouse, Little Pills, Little Pilsner, Little Vasilie, Vaginalose, Little Vag, Scillios, El Greco, King Tut, Germ, Baka Billy.

I'm sure I forgot a few, but I think its a pretty good list. Some have definitely been going under used and I think something needs to be done about that. There are also some pretty good stories associated with some of the names, but that's for another blog.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm In

It has taken me long enough, but I am finally part of the blogger. Hopefully my prescence will help curtail the release of the rest of the Scabby emails. The Scabby emails are old news these days and I look forward to making new memories, better ones.

I know Hatfield is a little uneasy about my induction to the blogger because he thinks all I will do is talk about how I want to fuck Brittney Spears...Well, your wrong, I want to fuck Jessica Simpson these days. Anyways, if I occasionally get out of hand and make a post about something that most people would find gross or not unappropriate, it sure as hell will be better than TC's posts about new Stussy and Mossimo fashions coming out this summer or Billy's lame attempt at making people laugh with his politial satire that only people reading feminist magazines in a coffee shop would understand, Soham probably understand it as well. Anyways, I look forward to my blogging future.

In the Sun

So, I was not certain if I would be part of this massive pilgrimage to see Pearl Jam, but after spending this past weekend in Miami with KLow, Kunur & co. , I realized I need to be part of this trip to LA/Vegas. And not just for a few days, for its entirety. I know Ben purchased tickets for the crew, my question is, are there more to buy?

As for this past weekend: I'm posting a picture of Kate because she had something good to say about everyone on this blog, even Scabbies. Kate & I often talk about people behind their backs, pretend to know the inner-workings of everyone we know, and usually it ends up in gentle mocking and laughter. When I told her that I keep in touch with you guys through the blog, she asked who was signed on, and I told her expecting to hear some anecdotes about Ben being a dirty womanizer at Iowa, or of Hat being a cocky playboy, but instead she said how much she loves Billy & TC, how much she was glad Ratty is in LA, how even though Ben is a scumbag how he's good for a laugh and at heart is a good guy (I said he's just a sneaky Jew)...

I know everyone of us has been friends with Kate at one point in time, so this is a small ode to her, and Natalie Angela, Christy Koon, Taylor Bauman, and all the other hoodrats that used to hang out in the sun at 5th Ave. Station.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Ask and You Shall Recieve

For those of you who don't know much about the infamous Scabby emails, I give you this brief introduction:

Freshman year of college, Hatfield and Scabbies roomed together in Slater Hall. At that time Scabbies was known for saying some pretty sick and perverted things. Over the course of that year Hatfield would try to remember those comments and send them to me in emails. I in turn, saved and printed off all but one of them (that one went too far even for Scabs). Now lately I have received numerous requests to have the Scabby emails posted. I have had mixed feelings about those requests. While some of the scabby emails are just immature fun, others have been described as Jeffrey Dahmer-esque. Nevertheless, on a few occasions Scabs has told me he was going to sign onto the blog and he still has failed to do so. The other day, I told him that I was going to start releasing the emails if he did not sign on, he threatened to kill me. After careful thought, I've decided to start releasing some of the less offensive ones to see what kind of response I get. If Scabs doesn't sign on or answers in a way I don't like, then I will hold less back. So here you go (I find that you have to read these as if you are telling a story, otherwise they may seem kind of flat; though even if they don't amuse you, at the very least you're going to get an insight into the scabby mind).

November 17th 2001

Scabbies and I were walking out of Hillcrest today and some girl walked by.

As she passed, Scabbies said to me, "Damn, did you see that ass? I'd love to bite it and let it bleed in my mouth."

I said, "Scabbies," like I was disapointed in him.

"I wanna draculize her," he said.

November 18th 2001

So, we're sitting in the hallway and this girl that likes Scabbies is sitting next to him.

There is a bunch of us out there singing pearl jam songs.

Then, some hot girl that was with one of the guys sits down next to us.

Scabbies turned and looked at me.

"Draculize" he said.

The girl had no idea what the kid was talking about.

February 3rd, 2002

Tonight at dinner I told Scabbies that he reminds me of a new born bird that has just hatched out of the egg. The type of bird that is really fluffy, squeaks, and has a layer of gooey shit all over it.

Then I asked Scabs what Billy reminds him of. He said that Billy reminds him of a cockroach after it has been eaten by a turtle, but not digested by the turtle. Just a cockroach with "gook" all over it, as he calls it.

He also said that Tc reminds him of a mushroom.

Then he told me that I remind him of Harriet Tubman's afterbirth.

When I questioned what afterbirth was, he said, "Come on, you don't know what afterbirth is?"

I guessed, "all that shit that comes out with the baby?"

He replied "yeah," like I was the ignorant one.

Comment and let me know if you want more of this kind of stuff.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Tell me this isn't the best picture ever created!!!

All in the Family

Billy although we give you crap about the greeks and your fuck up traditions, by the way I'm definetely coming to greek easter, I have just been passed down new clients that top you're whole family.

The new clients I recently started going to see are members of an Italian family inwhich the father, mother, and five children all own restaurants throughout the suburbs of chicago.

I never thought it was possible but this family is straight out of godfather, at least they think they are. Everything is on the hush-hush, and everyone who asks for a bill to be paid is a cock-a-roach. Besides the fact that they do anything and everything to raise their mattress at the end of the day. They drive gotti bmw convertables and wear the one color puma sweat suits with gold chains....and the only thing I can think of that fits into their business is me, their jew accountant.

Good to finally join the blog,


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I Want In?????????

I want to be apart of the new underground blog that is transpiring, how do I join "Szechwan's Village" ! Does anybody have info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Send me an invite.

Open Invite

Yes, it's Greek Easter time again. And although in the past I've only invited a few people to Greakster, since most of my friends are now living out of state, I'm opening up that invitation to anyone who is still around town. A few caveats though.

It's at Uncle Dino's this year, which is just another one of the four Siomos houses in Steeple Run (for anybody who would need directions) and it always takes place in the front yard so we can waive the Greek flag at cars passing by.

Now if you're brown colored Uncle Dino is going to call you Osama even if you're not Muslim. Don't get offended like Soham did, Uncle Dino just has a sense of humor.

If you bring your girlfriend, Uncle Dino will tell you that he admires her ass. At some point he will also ask you to stick out your tongue. When you become confused he will get angry and ask you again to stick out your tongue. You will do so and in his thick Greek accent he will say, "ah I see, you've been eating the pussy, haven't you."

If you're a vegetarian the family will make you stand next to the roasting lamb and turn the spit. You will be made to stand down wind so all of your clothes smell like meat for a week.

At some point my little brother will probably dress up as batman or spiderman.

There should be a 60 year old Italian immigrant wearing a backwards hat pretending to be mentally retarded and Armenian immigrants doing De Niro and Elvis impressions.

Of course any guests can make out with Melina. It's tradition. Opa!

Finally, although our Greek Easters are smaller than many others, there will be plenty of food and a fair amount of booze. Just don't fight any of the Greeks over the lamb eye-balls or the brains.

If that sounds like fun to you, then I guess I'll see you Sunday.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


The latest out of Naperville is that Stephanie Shane is getting married to Brad Hunter in early May. Davit almost converted for that girl!!

On a side note, due to numerous requests, we changed our "comment" policy on this blog, so anyone can now post comments.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Dear Scabs-

Over the past few months your friends have been working on a communal blog. I think that up until recently it’s fair to say that it has been a success. In Hatfield’s very first post he mentioned that all of our friends share many different qualities and that together we could make a wide range of contributions to the blog. Personally, I expected that each of us would stick with what we know best. Here’s what I mean: Davit would post unique hippy ideas, Tc would be our funny man, Soham our quasi-intellect with a touch of humor, Hatfield the story teller and guider, and from Panosh stories about lifting weights and drinking. As for me, I expected that I would contribute the sentimental philosophical ideas in flowery language.

I’m sure you have seen the mess that has recently developed though. Tc is writing about how much he loves everybody. Soham is loving him back and writing about orchids. Davit is even complimenting Tc and Tc is writing messages back to Davit.

All that I am capable of is the flowery sentimental musings; so it’s not possible for me to write the mean-funny shit about Sesh eating a whole birthday cake. Up until now I never would have thought that I might have to give it a try. However, the blog might have an overload of Love right now. There is an imbalance in this universe and if things continue to get this bad I will probably have to take drastic action. I am running out of options here.

So, Scabs this letter is a call for help. We’re in an emergency situation right now. We’ve all become a bunch of pussies. You know how much we need you. To bring us back to the normal world we are going to need everything you got. You’ve got to bring out hamsters scurrying around people’s butts. We need your dream of being breast fed by a chick and having Dr. Pepper come out. We need all of the sick shit you want to do to all of our sisters in the back of a Bentley while rolling around in money as Hatfield washes the windows.

Scabbies: We need the Meat Freezer.

What I am saying is that if you don’t help us out I may even have to bring out just a few of the infamous “Scabby Emails.” I know you’re against that and so am I, but it’s out of my hands now. The world needs a little bit of everything and all we’ve got is love right now. I’m hoping that the problem somehow corrects itself, but so far it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. PLEASE HELP!

Your Friend,

Little Pilsner

Monday, April 10, 2006

Destination Failure?

Some inspirational words passed down to me from my mom.
Author: anonymous

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.

The truth is, there's no better time to be happy then right now. If not now, when?

Your life with always be filled with challenges. It's better to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. One of my favorite qoutes came from Alfred D. Souza. He said, "for a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend you time...and remember that time waits for no one.

So stop waiting until you finished school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you have a new car or home, until your song comes on, until you've had a drink, or until you've sobered up, to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination:

Thought for the day...Work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching.

hatfield - your going to be successful no matter what you get yourself into. It's funny, I have known you the longest out of everyone in this blog and I dont think I have ever told you that you are one of the most creative and original people that I have ever met. No matter what you end up doing or where you end up just know that you've always got a buddy in me. Prediction: you meet and marry a "C/B list actress"

soham - you are the brown sugar that goes on top of my apple pie every night. Ever since sharing a locker with you in high school I have come to a few conclusions concerning you: 1) besides Kathryn, you have one of the most spectacular smiles I have ever seen in my life. (yeah that is probably the gayest thing I have ever said in my life but nuts if I care) 2) you are one of the most unpredictable people I know, but its the spontaneity you have that keeps you so fresh. Keep it up. 3) your overall a genuine and great guy and Im glad were friends. Prediction: even though you are the most seasoned traveling friend I have, you end up moving to a small town in oklahoma where you get to wear all of the cowboy stuff you want

Davit - Its no secret that we have distanced ourselves from eachother over the past few years. And I dont know where we are going to be in the future but I will never forget the times that we have had together. Anyways who could forget things like catering at disney quest with fat kelly or the time you, me, and billy went shrooming at the arboretum and were almost eaten by a wolf. But my favorite (and It might be one of my all time favorites) is driving the celica as fast as we can in the snow, hitting the breaks, and seeing how out of control we could get without hitting anything.....and always losing the game. Prediction: we will have those times again.

Panosh - you are definitly a get what you see kind of guy and thats what I love about you. Keep up the good work. Prediction: you become the third roomate with sundin and jauch and end up stealing sundins bouncer job. But then you realize that being down there gets old after a while and you move back to chicago where you are voted as being chicago's most eligible bacholer by Chicago magazine.

Billy - you are the most unique person that I have ever met in my life. And I think that everyone will agree with me that we are all better people for having you as a friend. Simple as that. Prediction: Billy and Alexis sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!

In no way is this blog indicative of some phase that I am going through. I just feel that its nice to let people (especially friends) know how much you appreciate them. Having that said, I hope everything is going good for you guys and I ll talk to you later. Stay money, dummies.


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Some Sort of Road Trip

For those of you that remember, there was a time about three or so years ago when all of us were planning a post-college road trip. Orginally the plan was to drive out west to California and see some sights along the way. As conversations continued, I went way overboard and started pushing for a full-blown U.S. tour, from California to Texas, down to the Florida Keys where TC really wanted to go, up to NYC where few of us have been, even stopping in Canada before heading back to Chicago. Aside from this trip being unrealistic for obvious reasons, the potential for the trip of a lifetime was there. Unfortunately, things fizzled out between that time and the end of college; friendships were broken, people were understandably broke, and there wasn't an abundance of free time considering things like jobs and law school were looming.

Although it does not compare on any level to what that trip could and would have been, I set out on a solo roadtrip after college. Part of me couldn't stomach the thought of going home and admitting things were over, part of me wanted to see the midwest before I potentially made a break west and in many ways, I wanted to fufill my commitment and complete some sort of roadtrip to satisfy our original plans. So here is what I did:

I remember the day my lease ran out on August 31. I was the last one of the roommates to leave my house. I vividly recall sleeping on our living room couch that night with everything already packed and ready to go. I woke up, walked out to my car and looked down the street in both directions. I was done with school, I didn't have a job, I didn't have a place to live, and I didn't have anyplace I needed to be. I could have gone anywhere, I seriously could have done anything. So what did I do? I got in my car and drove five blocks down the street to 617 S. Johnson where TC, Scabs, Sesh, Panosh, and Little Bills live. I slept on the couch on their porch for a week. My road trip started thereafter.

I figured I should get some Iowa cities of relevance out of the way. I had never been to Iowa State and figured Ames might be a good place to start before I left the state of Iowa for good. I crashed at Vandy's place for a night in Ames. Our night consisted of Vandy trying to hook up with a girl with fake tits and ending up puking and passing out. Overall, I didn't think Iowa State was a complete shithole like I had heard from many people, but it was close. Vandy is about the only thing I like there.

I also hadn't been to Des Moines which I had to see before I left Iowa, so I drove to Des Moines next. I noticed that there are a lot of fountains in Des Moines; at banks, at the mall, everywhere it seemed. I crashed at Chromie's house and played golf the following day. I haven't played since.

Then Kansas City and Scabbies' girlfriend came a calling, so I hit the road for Kansas City. Ashley was completely new to the area so she knew little more about Kansas City than I did. We went out to eat and went to the bar. In typical Scabbies fashion, he was mad at me the next day for going out to eat with his girlfriend. Scabs recently moved down to Kansas City so he can make sure that no other guys get to go out to eat with his girlfriend.

Driving straight south from Kansas City, I went to Branson, Missouri to visit Chuck. Branson was definitely a highlight of the trip. Chuck and I were on the boat the whole weekend; drinking beer, talking about where our lives were headed, cliff jumping. Chuck's parents are great people and his dad has some interesting stories. Mostly, Chuck and I did a lot of drinking which is something we both enjoy.

I then drove ten hours to Lexington, Kentucky to visit Ms. Torey Phelps. My time in Lexington was brief, but fun. We went to the bar and watched a guitarist play country songs with a cowboy hat on so as far as I'm concerned my road-trip went through the south. Torey's boyfriend refused to go out with us which was weird, but fine with me. Torey woke up at five the following morning to go work on her horse. You have to respect someone doing something they are truly passionate about even if that means waking up hungover at dawn to wash horse parts.

The next stop was Cincinatti where my buddy Roger from study abroad lives. Rog had to work at a restaurant the night I got there so I hung out with his buddy Mike until he was off. We all met up at the bar, then Mike and I split and Rog and his girl headed home, I was interested in one of the girls Rog went to high school with that was at the bar. By four in the morning I had been completely led on by this girl and my "ride home" Mike was passed out in a bush in the front lawn, literally. I ended up bumming a ride back to Roger's place with some dudes from the party who came into Roger's house with me when they dropped me off and walked out with two cases of beer. They said they were going fishing. As for the city of Cincy which I toured with Rog the following day, there is literally a street that divides the city in half. One side is nice; museums, sports stadiums, etc. and you cross one street and you are in the ghetto with crack heads on every corner. I've never seen a city so blatantly divided like that.

No road trip is complete without stopping in good 'ole Dekalb, so I went to Northern to stay with Johnny D. Davits for a few days. Northern was just like it always is, but it's ok, I would visit Davit in Iraq if he lived there. At Northern, I learned what dumpster-diving is, I watched a kid walk around a river for a disc, and I had numerous conversations with Davit about our future company which will happen.

Chi-town was next so I went to stay with Jackie, which I had been looking forward to for most of the trip. We had a blast and flirted with each other the whole weekend, but I left without having things go how I really wanted them to go, which is always how things go with me and Jackie.

Then I went to see Park-man who is actually headed out here to LA in a week. I got Parker and Natalie Angela in the same bar, I knew those two would butt heads and they did just that, screaming at each other on the street after bar-close.

Then I ran out of money so I went home. I had been on the road for a month. The midwest roadtrip was over and real life was ready to begin whether I liked it or not. TM

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ben Does It Again

So I got home from work tonight and checked the mail. Aside from some ads and junk mail, I noticed I had a letter from Sesh. I had talked to Sesh a few weeks ago about him sending out some old school pics of me, him, and Little Billy, so I was excited to check them out; everyone likes to get mail. But when I held the envelope from Sesh in my hands, it felt empty, like there wasn't anything inside.

As I went upstairs to my apartment, I opened the envelope and felt around inside. At first I didn't feel anything, but then my fingers came across a small piece of thick paper. As I pulled it out, I realized what it was.

Sesh had sent me his fucking business card. No letter, no note, just his fucking accounting business card. He took the time to get an envelope, address it, put a stamp on it, and mail it, all to give me his business card.

This tells me one of three things. One, Sesh knows that taxes are due within the next couple weeks and he wants me to be sure that I get them completed so he provided his business card so that I can call him with any questions. Great, thank you, Sesh. Two, he wants me to know that I can use him as an emergency contact at work. If anything happens to me at Fox, my coworkers now have Sesh's contact info and can call him if I end up in the hospital. Sesh, you are too kind. Three, and probably the most likely choice, is that Sesh is simply pulling a classic Sesh move. He is doing something so ridiculous, so pointless, so confusing, and so Sesh-like that it makes opening that envelope and seeing a card reading "Ben Sevcik: Tax and Accounting Services" the experience that makes my day. Thank you for that, Sesh. TM

Sunday, April 02, 2006

What the hell am I doing?

I really don't like putting pictures of myself on the blog, I promise, but this one was a request by a rat on a bike with a 7 year old cleaning lady!