In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Saturday, April 29, 2006

San Francisco

After going on hiatus for two weeks, traveling the state of California from LA to San Fran with Parker, I am back to the blog. And there appear to have been some changes; we have two new teammates, both of whom have posted some interesting articles; one is obcessed with farting pigs, the other is writing drunk blogs about how his friends don't like him anymore. Well, that's what this site is for, to communicate with the people who do like you.

I had a great week with Parkman, I forgot how much better life can be when you have a good friend around to do stupid shit with. Then you throw G-Nuts and P in at the end of the week, and it's pretty tough to beat. And I think Park had a good week as well. He went to Best Damn the day he got here, then we went to American Idol, Cubs/Dodgers, Jimmy Kimmel, and Angels/A's throughout the rest of the week, so we definitely got our shit done. And if you consider "bringing your game" to be yelling "I love you, Kelli!" to Kelli Pickler during a commercial break at American Idol, directing traffic in the streets of San Francisco, and chasing a 60 year old German couple down the street demanding they come into the bar with us to have a drink, then Parker brought his A-game.

But Parker did so much more. He took pictures with random hot girls he didn't know.

He came very close to buying this hat.

And he wasn't at all insecure when I asked him to do gay stretching while waiting for BART to come. (BART is the train system in San Fran)

Overall, I was very impressed with San Francisco. Grayson's house was built in the late 1800's and he has a pond with fish in his backyard along with pet chickens. We found a great little bar in Chinatown and watched Parker dance through the streets and play air guitar (Tax season is over, so he is back to being a normal person! Good luck all you accountants!) Mostly, I liked the laid-back vibe and diverse crowd that San Fran offers. Speaking of diversity, Parker continuously called Praveen "his only nigger friend" during our weekend stay.

Before we went to San Fran, however, we had a great week in LA. Monique, Park, and I went out for his birthday the first night. I had no idea it was his birthday when he first got here, but after I was told, I promptly forgot. Of course, Monique saved the day as she always does. She snuck off at dinner and got the waitress to bring over a mini-cake for Park. That is why Monique is a better person than me, and all of you, and pretty much everyone else on the planet. Ask Park, he will tell you the same.

One of the scarier occurences took place when we got back to my apartment after doing a late night cruise through the hills of Bel Air. Hungry for some of Monique's rice soup, I opened the cabinet to get a bowl and was introduced to my new roommate: Speedy McCockroach. And yes, he was speedy. But I showed him my Umbro shoe, and he decided to move out.

Most importantly, Parkman and I bonded during our week. We talked about politics, girls, whether or not the flux capacitor has an on-off switch. We talked about life- and experienced it. I'm glad he came out and I am looking forward to future visitors.


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