In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


For those of us that attended Steeple Run Elementary School, you might find this as surreal as I do. My mom just accepted a job as a kindergarten teacher there. The other kindergarten teacher is Mrs. Clark, she taught first grade back when we were in first grade 17 years ago. I was talking with Grimaldi this weekend about Steeple Run and he was telling all his roommates that it was the coolest elementary school because the playground burned to the ground three summers in a row.


Blogger spatel36 said...

Did I have Mrs. Clark? I remember I was in Jeff Hartman & Valerie Stevens 1st grade class, and I remember Jenny Hsia and Scalletta, but I don't know who I had for KG.

The playground is obviously a death trap.

4:18 PM  
Blogger spatel36 said...

I did, but not until 2nd grade. I took the bus to Steeple Run and the bus stop was right in front of Scabbie's house.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Jay Davits said...

Ms. Clark in first grade once asked me in "circle time" in front of the whole class, "Jon, Did you color your teeth with a yellow marker?" I was pretty embarressed but then latter that day Darin Diamond threw a desk across the room at Ms. Clark and he was removed from the class and put in the class next door indefinately. Thanks Darin!!!

6:57 PM  
Blogger spatel36 said...

Darin Diamond was in my 1st grade class and he also threw a desk at the teacher. He also got on top of a desk once and pulled down his pants.

It seems like Darin Diamond and Carson Hill would get along really well, it's too bad they're not friends.

7:22 PM  
Blogger Toastmaster said...

I saw that kid do some of the craziest shit I have ever seen in elementary school; spit at teachers, throw his shoes at teachers, pick his nose with his tongue. I felt bad for the kid so I always defended him and tried to help him along throughout elementary school. I was probably one of his only friends. Then in junior high I realized I couldn't keep doing it because I had to start hanging out with girls and being mean to kids because that's what you do in junior high so I stopped helping him along. One day in art class he attacked me out of nowhere, tried to hit me and started hocking loogies at me. I guess all that work in elementary school didn't help him much. He is in one of two places right now; in a mental institution or under Craig's Paulus's bed as pet cat Darin.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Jay Davits said...

In 2nd grade in mrs porter's class Darin Diamond told Mrs Porter to shut up and she called mr ligman down to get him, the principal, Darin then proceeded to throw his shoes at Mr Ligman and run outside the building. Mr Ligman came back in 5 minutes later with Darin kicking and screaming, dangling over his shoulders. The good old pencil collecting days, how sweet they were!!!

5:47 PM  
Blogger spatel36 said...

craig paulus is mormon?

7:02 PM  
Blogger Szechwan said...

I'm pretty sure Paulus went to BYU and graduated in 3 years.

8:52 PM  
Blogger spatel36 said...

public school did save your life TC. it saved mine to. if you didn't transfer to North you probably would not be on this blog, wouldn't have gone to iowa, had the oppurtunity to drive back to naperville with katherine, etc...

if you had not transfered to Jefferson you would still be friends with Chris Pilot and never have picked up a bass guitar.

Clearly public school is the best thing that ever happened to you.

5:47 PM  

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