RT #6: Seattle & the Gorge
Ahhhh Reunion Trip #6. Has a nice ring to it. We jumped another hurdle this year (as RT’s always do) and experienced the first-ever urban RT. Seattle, WA: the Emerald City. We also joined forces with the hippie community and saw Phish at the Gorge. I think the jury’s still out on urban RT’s, but the vote was pretty much unanimous on Phish and the Gorge: incredible. The rotating cast of characters continued to rotate this trip, but we did secure a bash brother duo that we’ve been trying to secure now for six years: the powerhouse combo of Green & Chuck. Like legendary tag teams before them (Jordan & Pippen, Bebop & Rocksteady, Bort & Red), they delivered and delivered and delivered, all trip long. The fact that ultimate combos like this are just now joining forces makes me realize that the RT brand is stronger than ever.
Whether it was debating Jewish noses with Jesus Freak Jen, ordaining new nicknames like Snowflake, Catfield -> Meowfield and Gay Mexican Highdiver, hurling glowsticks at Phish, playing 1 or 2 in the party bus or listening to Chuck bash all the “weirdos” in Seattle, it would be hard to argue that this trip didn’t deliver on all levels.
Kudos to Big Red & Shannon for the first-ever married couple MVP award. Spending time at their pad definitely filled in the gaps to make this trip great.
Just think: in the year 2012 we will have another Reunion Trip. And that is a beautiful thing.