In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Justin Ruane in the House!

Ruane moved out to San Diego three weeks ago and was up in LA for the weekend a week ago. He is on a path well traveled; from the Chicago suburbs to southern California. He packed up his belongings and hit the road, not entirely sure where he was going to be working and living and not knowing who he was going to be spending his time with. I can definitely say.....I've been there. I hope it will work out as well for him as it has for me, and I think it probably will. He wants to get into production so he is looking for work as a Production Assistant which I am trying to help him out with. We went out with Monique and the Chicas on the Saturday night he was here. We went to this club called the Cabana Club. The place was impressive, mostly outdoors but had a bunch of different rooms with completely different shit going on in each one. It was 20 to get in and 10 a drink, but worth it.

Ruane contributed a great line on Saturday afternoon that I haven't heard in awhile, if ever. "Pizza: even when it's bad, it's still pretty good." It's so true, how many things can you say that about? In fact, Rachel Monson is the only human being I have ever met that dislikes pizza.

Although I am completely confident that Ruane will fall into a great situation out here in Southern California, he definitely has his work cut out for him. This morning Monique knocked on my door and said "Marc, I made you breakfast in bed." Eggs, bacon, Monique-specialty french toast with bananas, a nice tall glass of oj. Let's just put it this way, things aren't bad around here.

I asked her, "Moniezi, what your are plans for the day?" She responded, "Oh, nothing much, just trying to get my room cleaned up before the maids come tomorrow." Don't worry, it doesn't make sense to me either.


Blogger spatel36 said...

Scabs, even though I respect 50% of the shit you normally say, I do think 100% of it is funny. But, if you are going to be a CPA and account for other people's money, you've got to start spelling like a grown up. And, even though Ratty Rat is a big fat Rat, you can't yell at Monique- so lay off the South East Asian beauty queen.

P.S.- we all know you are going to keep reading the blog, so you might as well grant us your idiocy and humor; it's the one thing that makes up for all the gay pictures Hat posts.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Toastmaster said...

You've woken up the queen from her nap on the couch. Not smart, Scabs.

10:12 PM  
Blogger spatel36 said...

Cambodian Queen of Cream? That sounds faintly like a porn I watched with Disanto once.

3:40 PM  

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