In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The High Desert

Loving the high desert of Joshua Tree and beyond. One of my favorite places to explore. Weirder than Palm Springs and total randomness as far as the eye can see...

Monday, May 08, 2017

Death Valley

On the longtime LA bucket list.  Nice to check it off for a work event.  Strange place.  Massive.

Met the chief of the Timbisha Shoshone tribe while he was playing guitar at the only restaurant on their property.  Nice guy.  Said they have plans to build a hotel and embrace the marijuana industry.  I do think it has potential and gave him some advice.

Played golf at the lowest elevation golf course in the world.  They have some grass.  It's not terrible!

Need to spend more time here.

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Goodbye 'Stang, Hello Camaro

It finally came time to say goodbye to my red Mustang that treated me so well for 11+ years.  It was my first car, purchased at a dealership going out of business in the Chicago suburbs in early 2006.  Within a week I packed it with all my shit and drove it to LA where my post-college life began.  Have been on many dates in the car, slept in it (solo) probably 20+ times, traveled all over the west, used it to move beds, bikes & more.  It never ran out of gas although I pushed it so far beyond the red line I should have been burned many times.

When Davit visited LA in summer 2016, he borrowed it for a week to drive to SF while I was in Alaska.  When he returned to LA, a white guy with a ponytail at a carwash in Hermosa Beach said he loved mustangs and Davit should let him know if he ever wanted to sell it.

When I got a weak offer from Carmax in spring 2017, I decided to swing by the car wash and see if ponytail dude still happened to be working there.  He wasn't there that day, but the manager, who was a short Mexican dude named Nimrod, said the guy definitely was a huge mustang fan and still worked there. "Where's it at?  Maybe I'll buy it," Nimrod said.

After a quick walk around the car, without even starting it, Nimrod said he'd give me $800 cash on the spot and if I had the title, which I did, we could do the deal right there.  His uncle owns a body shop and figured he could do something with it.  He and his wife are currently driving a car from 1994 and sounds like she'll like a convertible.

So the 'Stang lives on.

Meanwhile, I figured I'd give a Camaro a try as the next ride.  Found one I liked up in Oakland, flew up and did the deal with a guy named Nestor and his boss Alex.  Nestor shared the good vibes with me after the deal was done.
