In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Monday, October 11, 2010

RT #5: Grand Canyon & Scottsdale

I've now had a few weeks to reflect on all the action from Reunion Trip #5. RT #5 was our first attempt at combining party with adventure, and the result was great times for all nine of us. Hiking the Grand Canyon provided everyone with one of the biggest physical challenges we've ever faced, the Hyatt resort provided a perfect spot to unwind and play an epic match of pool volleyball, while Scottsdale provided a party location where we could get into trouble. Best of all, compared to past RTs, RT #5 allowed for more QT with each member of the crew, whether it was cruising through Sedona, Flagstaff, Williams, camping on the South Rim or lying poolside at the Hyatt.

The MVP trophy could have been sitting on the mantle of B.A. for his epic Latina-themed performance Saturday night involving three distinct interactions with Mexican women aged 30-50, saving one of the women from losing her job on the Hyatt late-night dishwashing crew. But the performance took a turn for the worst due to video cameras and gritty policework by hotel security and hotel management. Therefore, for a second straight year, the MVP title is vacant (insert boos here). Special mention is given to Kolin for a strong performance including a graceful attempt at firewalking.

Team Chicago, Team Denver, Team LA, Team Houston....where will the next one take us?

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Epicenter 2010

Beantown for Labor Day Weekend

Visiting So So Def in Beantown for Labor Day weekend checked off another great American city from the list. So So is pretty well setup with a nice apartment in Cambridge, a sweet girlfriend who was a great hostess and a friend from Chicago closeby named McNeesie Ribisi. Boston has a definite Chicago feel to it, which I like, and has a lot to offer. Walden Pond, Harvard and the oldest restaurant in the U.S. were on the list, along with another bout with poison ivy!