In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thanks Chicago

I realized recently that I talk about Chicago almost everyday. In a revolving-door city like LA that is full of transplants, everyone is from somewhere. And as I meet these people, undoubtedly, the question rises of where I am from and where they are from. And that place comes to define me.

I could have been born and raised in Iowa. Corn fields and white people, that would be how I was known. It’s why I’ve often lied about college. Simply not worth the effort. How could they ever understand the magic of Iowa City? I don’t even understand it anymore.

I could have been born in Long Island. “My New Haircut” has already laid the groundwork. No explanation needed, just show them the video. That would sum up someone’s youth in Long Island.

But I wasn’t born in those places. I was born in Chicago. And although I don’t live there anymore, Chicago defines me. I fight for the city in arguments. I’m proud of it. I’m happy to be associated with it. Sure, there are things I don’t love about Chicago, but overall it’s a pretty damn cool city with pretty damn cool people. It’s a great place to be from.

In a place where it’s easy to forget about the things that made you what you are, I find that having Chicago in my back pocket keeps me more in check than a lot of other cities would. That’s what’s great about it. It will always be home, constantly defining me.