In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Last Wednesday I attended my first true Hollywood red carpet event. I went to the American Idol after-party above the Kodak Theatre on Hollywood Blvd. It was about what you would expect; gourmet food, open bar, entertainment executives everywhere, random celebrities (Kevin Nealon, etc). I took full advantage of the drinks, hung out on the patio overlooking Hollywood for awhile, hit the dance floor, and ended up closing the place down with one of my Fox buddies.

The best part of it is that I rode my bike to the event. "No, not a motorcycle, a mountain bike," I would tell people that asked where I parked. I don't think that there is any statement that better describes my experience thus far in LA than riding a mountain bike to a red carpet event. My department thinks it hilarious though, and I can probably get there just as fast on a bike than in a car sitting in traffic.


Blogger spatel36 said...

that picture is money, Hat.

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so jealous...

5:43 PM  

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