In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Coolest and the Most Uncool

This weekend I went for a bike ride up to Hollywood to do some shopping. It was over 90 degrees outside, which is pretty damn hot for LA (everyone that is from here was incapable of even being outside) . I stopped at the 7-11 a few blocks down from my house to grab a drink on my way back. As I sat outside drinking my slurpy, I closely watched this bum that was sitting outside the 7-11. Every time I have been to this 7-11 I have seen this bum there. As I watched this guy, he really started to annoy me. He wasn't one of those guys that you look at and feel sorry for, he was completely functional; he could walk and talk and didn't look that old, he couldn't have been much more than 40. He also had a mean look on his face, not a look of desperation like many homeless people do, just mean. I watched this guy for a good 20 minutes drinking my slurpy and enjoying the summer day. As I sat there, I saw two people give him money and one guy go in and buy him a hotdog and a Sprite. All in only 20 minutes. The guy barely said thank you, he acted like he was entitled to it. I seriously wanted to sit next to this guy and when he would ask someone, "Spare some change?" I just wanted to sit there and say, "Don't give this piece of garbage your money."

The people that handed this guy money are stupid, plain and simple. Don't get me wrong, if someone has a legitimate problem and they need help, we need to help those people. If someone looks sick on the street or has kids with them that look hungry, by all means, help them out financially or buy them some food. But don't give your money to some lazy piece of shit that can easily get a job, but probably makes more money sitting outside the 7-11 taking your money. If someone can barely afford to give their money away but does so because they want to help the guy out, then they are stupid, this guy just scammed you. And if someone can easily afford to give their money away, they are stupid if they think giving their money to some bum on the street actually makes a difference, compared to what they could do.

As I got on my bike to ride away, I wanted to go up to this guy and give him a piece of my mind. I have certainly gotten into it with my fair share of bums over the years. Instead, I chose to ride right past him, look him in the eye, and shake my head in disgust at him, and I mean blatantly shake my head, like I slowed down to do it. Of course he started screaming at me, telling me to come back and say something and blah, blah, blah......Next time I go for a slurpy I might actually tell him what I think of him.

Not every person that is strapped for cash is uncool, though. Two weeks ago when I was riding my bike in Venice Beach, I came across probably the coolest person I have ever seen. If anyone is familar with Scabbies' Hero list, this guy would not only be on it, he would probably be the President. It was this Arab guy with a cloth wrapped around his head riding around on rollerblades playing the electric guitar with a mini-amp attached to his belt. This guy would skate over to random groups of people and just start wailing on his guitar. When it got awkward and the people were looking like, "Ok, we should get going now, we already gave him money," he wouldn't stop, he would just keep playing. The guy was a great guitarist and seemed totally cool and totally goofy. Now that is someone you can respect.

On a completely unrelated note, I realized this morning how the simple things in life can make the biggest difference in your day. On my drive to work there is this upholstery shop that cleans convertible tops. On the outside of their garage they have a bubble machine that continuously shoots bubbles into the street. When you are sitting in traffic ready to go to work, you would be shocked at how much better you feel watching bubbles fly through the air.


Blogger Szechwan said...

That story about the bum reminds me of the time Badass Billy almost got arrested for giving a homeless drug dealer some money.

....which leads me into these question to Billy, what is wrong with you? What is the deal with you never accepting any gift from anyone? I really don't understand why you do that.

7:40 AM  
Blogger Toastmaster said...

Are you drunk?

5:36 PM  
Blogger Toastmaster said...

Billy, don't be so naive. I knew you would make a comment like that. Of course we don't actually know the bums we see on the street, we can't spend a whole day learning about them, so we are forced to make assumptions. And I don't judge people or assume things about them until I see them sitting outside 7-11s bothering people for their money all day. Then we are forced to judge. Like I said, some people clearly need help and we need to provide that for them. But it is obvious that some people are just lazy, yes Billy, lazy, and they shouldn't be bothering people for money if they can work at someplace like McDonald's. I guarantee this guy could find a job, probably at someplace much better than a McDonald's. My advice to you would be to not give every bum on the street credit, not everyone is legit, my friend.

11:30 AM  
Blogger Toastmaster said...

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. You don't have a problem with lazy people that don't want to work and would rather mooch off people that work hard for their money? You shouldn't respect people like that, you shouldn't tolerate it, and you certainly shouldn't help them out by giving them handouts. If your dad is giving people who are techinically skilled free food and free rent, I don't support that. All I am saying is that I don't agree with "bottom feeding off everyone's scraps" because you don't want to try, I can't see why anyone would.

4:51 PM  
Blogger Szechwan said...

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7:25 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Some of these guys are pretty much skilled but they just got the wrong attitude. It's a lack of concern and negligence of their life in real time. I guess some of them are non starters but they still can get something constructive to do. I do feel they got issues of low self esteem and inferiority comlex. They have low energy levels for work which explains why they are lazy. The bums in the street all over the world need to be rounded up and be coarsed to perfom.

12:04 AM  

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