In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Curbside Manner - The Souls and The Sounds

After 2.5 years of hard work writing & recording songs, happy to say that Curbside Manner has released a new album called The Souls and The Sounds.


My first guitar was a small family hand-me-down acoustic guitar that I started when I was 12.  I eagerly kept playing, even though the guitar wasn't the best.  When I was 16, my parents helped me buy my first legitimate acoustic guitar, a Yahama in 1999.  Just about every song I've ever written has been written on that guitar.

This year it felt like time to upgrade.  After playing a lot of acoustics, the Taylors I played were easily the smoothest, best-sounding guitars.  And the sunburst style was definitely the right fit for me.

That Yamaha did everything I asked of it.  Was the most reliable intro guitar a guy could ever have.  Happy to say it lives on and is now owned by our drummer Cags, who is starting to do a bit of songwriting himself.

Have just started playing the Taylor - it's amazing!