In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Running the Mile

I jacked up my wrist playing basketball like an old man in mid-March and then thought, what non-wrist-required activity can I do for the next 2 months while I heal?  Answer: try to run a 6 minute mile!  Being timed in the mile, just like junior high and high school :)

Johnnyboy joined the 4 week challenge and here's how it went down:

John - 6:25
Marc - 6:51

John - 6:19
Marc - 6:29

John - 6:15
Marc - 6:27

John - Partying in NYC
Marc - 6:15

John - 6:25
Marc - 6:28

John - 6:06
Marc - 5:56

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Red Convertible

Way back in late January 2006, I was sitting in a new (to me) pre-owned red Mustang convertible in the driveway at 5S641 Hummingbird Lane.  I was about to roll out and drive cross-country to southern California to start my post-college life.

My parents were in the driveway too, wishing me good luck and a safe journey.  My mom snapped a couple photos of me in the car with the top down.  Sadly those photos never materialized.  Funny how you grow up hating taking any photos with family, and the one time you want a photo as a memory it mysteriously disappears :)

We said our goodbyes, I pulled out of the driveway and the feeling in my chest was one I've only felt a few times in my life.  A mix of insane excitement, nerves zigzagging, endorphins blasting into the sky, stomach doing 360s and chest pounding like the car's engine.  I was officially on my way.

It's now 2016 and there's a new little man chilling in a red convertible in the driveway.  His name will never be uttered on the internet, respecting the wishes of his mother.  But my little buddy and ol' Daddio have taken too good of a photo not to be shared.  Ready to ride.