In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hank Moody

Quote from Hank Moody: I’d like to go back to ’94, that was a good year. I met Karen; Becca was born. It was the year that changed my life. Plus no internet, cell phones, texting, tweeting, twatting, twittering. Movies were a buck, gas was 10 cents a gallon, blowjobs were free, speaking of which, Clinton was in the White House, Nirvana was on the radio and I had yet to fuck up the best thing that happened to me.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Palos Verdes