Trends in Society Today
I recently got on facebook. Not something I wanted to do, but it was a must for two reasons. First, I was doing some recognizance work on this girl I was referred to. Unfortunately, I realized that you can't browse pics on facebook (only myspace) without being someone's "friend" (a term meant to be used loosely), which surprised me. If I can't do research on girls I go out with, what purpose does this website serve?! Second, I wanted to reconnect with a couple friends from Wales who apparently don't use email, only facebook. So I created an account.
I have two observations about the current generation of young people. First, which I have mentioned countless times before, is that personal communication, true relationships, real connections, are becoming extinct. I was supposed to hang out with a girl on Saturday who only communicates via text message. And although she was very sweet and apologetic, she texted me that she was too hung over from the night before to hang out, and she then referred me to her facebook page for more details. She REFERRED ME TO HER FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MORE DETAILS. I laughed out loud when I read her text. This, the girl who was shoving her tongue down my throat outside a bar only a couple weeks earlier, seems to feel that talking on the phone is too personal, so she referred me to her facebook page to learn the details. It seems incredibly odd to me.
The second point is that all of us assume that other people care about what we are doing. All of us think that we are so special, so unique, so fascinating, that others are interested in our lives. Look at me, I'm part of the problem. I'm writing a blog that people can read, and I expect people to be interested in what I have to say. I was looking at some of the messages people left on facebook and it's just completely ridiculous. Who has time to care about what each of these people are doing at that moment in time? Jeff is....tired from the night before, but ready to party tonight! Jill is.....wishing she were back in Chicago with her peeeeps! It's almost like the emotions and feelings we have aren't even real anymore. We just have them long enough to run to our computers and post the message to facebook, letting the world know how special we are.