In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Deep Thoughts

I was eating Chinese food in the mall today at lunch and I had four different thoughts over the course of 20 minutes.

1. I think Catholicism is delivering mixed messages or at least making it harder than it should be to follow their guidelines when they have Catholic school girls running around in short skirts. For a religion that emphasizes repressing sexual thoughts and not partaking in sexual activity until you are married, they seem to be encouraging both when they put their female teenage students in mini-skirts throughout the year. You would think it would be hard enough to concentrate in class with one girl in a skirt; I can’t imagine what a school full of them must be like for the guys.

2. Wouldn’t it be kinda cool if for one day a month surgical implants that people put into their bodies glowed through their skin and through their clothes? It would be interesting to walk around and see people with a glowing red light coming out of their breasts, calves, butt, etc. You could draw a lot of conclusions about society by witnessing this phenomenom. It would be especially fascinating in LA.

3. I think these shoes they are making for kids with the wheels built into the soles are pretty sweet. I wish they had something like that when I was a kid. It looks like a ton of fun and some of these kids are getting pretty good on them. I just laugh when I see them scooting around. Do they have these shoes for adults? This is a perfect example of somebody that had a dumb idea that turned out to be cool idea and caught on with the public and now he/she is probably a bzillionaire.

4. If I had a women’s clothing store, I wouldn’t do any marketing or advertising except for paying a highly attractive actress to walk around the mall all day with 3 or 4 of my store’s shopping bags in hand. I could pay her $200 to walk around for 6 or 7 hours and that would be all the marketing I would need. Other girls/ women would see this gorgeous girl and the store’s distinct bags and think, where is that store? I gotta see what it’s about. Sometimes I see fat or unattractive women walking around the mall with a bag from a store and I always think, that’s not going to be good for business. I can’t think of a better way to promote a brand than an attractive woman walking around a mall, and it would only be $200 for a whole day of superb advertising.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Man Among Boys; King Among Men

I'm one of those people that has trouble giving respect to people my age. In high school I pretty much refused to acknowledge the existence of any guy younger than me. I don't know if it was a pride thing or an ego thing, but that's how I was. And it takes a lot for me to sincerely admit that someone else is good at something, or better than me at something. What can I say? I'm a stubborn bastard, but that's how I am.

But one person that I have to give a tremendous amount of respect to is a good buddy of mine by the name of Q. Dog. Some of you might know Q as the guy who likes to jump out of second story apartments, others might remember Q as the guy sitting on the couch with the Bob Marley shirt on blazed out of his mind, still others might recall him as the aspiring NFL football player who was too lazy to wake up to train before 2pm. While all of those assessments might have a hint of truth when compiling the real Q, the Q I know has always been a loyal friend and a classic kid (Does everyone know the definition of a classic kid?), the type of friend you would go out on a ledge for. And that's exactly what Q is doing now. After returning from Korea in 2006, the U.S. army's Special Agent Q has agreed to take on another daunting task: spending a year in Afghanistan.

These pictures give us some idea of what life is like for Q in Afghanistan. Don't let the shades and tat fool you, when I saw Q a few months ago he was the same ol' teddy bear we all know and love, the only difference is the teddy bear Q in Afghanistan will pump your skull with bullets if you mess with him.

Q is one of those friends that whatever we are doing together, I always think it's cool. It could be something as simple as sitting on his couch eating chinese food at 2am listening to him try to freestyle. You rarely encounter friends like that; it's hard to describe the dynamic, but it makes every interaction and every situation a great time.

Q Dog, be safe, get Bin Laden, and get your ass back here.

Seriously, what kind of retarded Afghani would fuck with this hoss?