In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Return of Dirty Bird

Dirty Bird returned to the scene this past weekend in Newport Beach to run with Grimaldi and I. After deciding to join the Navy, doing a stint in boot camp, and moving to San Diego, Dirty has a lot going for him at the moment. He is stationed in San Diego for all of 2007, and will then be traveling around the world working on plane engines throughout 2008. He has plans to go back to school, see the world, and retire by the age of 44. But even with these new life changes, trust me, Dirty is still Dirty. I'm glad he's back in the mix; it's good to have a buddy back. More to come...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that picture with grimaldi's legs spread up in the air is going to give me nightmares for years to come... it is especially disgusting because that position is optimal to release a fart!!!!

2:04 PM  

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