In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Sunday, November 19, 2006


A girl from college emailed me a link to her myspace page last week so I took the time to check out her page. Before long I found myself clicking on links to her friends' pages, bouncing from person to person, all people from college I haven't seen or talked to since senior year. I stumbled upon the page of a girl I got to know fairly well in college that I always thought was cool. Her bio on her page is below.

"I moved downtown last Christmas and I'm having such a great time with my friends and roommates! When we're not at the bars I like to go to Cubs games, cook, play volleyball and softball, shop, ....the list goes on. If I'm not around it's probably because I'm in Des Moines, IA visiting my wonderful boyfriend. I love college football, the Cubs and Bears, the color pink, flippy cup and beer pong, my amazing friends, vodka tonics, The Fray, writing, 80's music, and laughing."

While there was once a time in my life when this type of girl seemed the norm, I now found myself laughing out loud as I read her bio. If I ever knew this type of girl, I certainly don't know her now.

I then began typing in names of people from my past. I found the page of my first girlfriend. It appears as though things have gone south for her since our 7th grade romance. She looks to be +200 lbs and has a huge tattoo on her left breast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it lame that I actually looked up a Jessie Holat on myspace? I'm pretty sure it's lame.
Anyways... I think this post goes to show just how 'LA' ratty's become. What's wrong with tatoos on the left breast? I know the tatoos on the right breast is hot, but do you gotta be so picky marc?

11:42 AM  

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