In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

LA Women

If you pretty much never drink beer, you might be an LA woman. If you get sloppy drunk after 2-3 drinks, you might be an LA woman. If you can’t go the beach during the day and go out at night because going to the beach doesn’t give you enough time to get ready to go out, you might be an LA woman. If you are having a joint 25th birthday party with your friend who is also turning 25 as well as having an individual party for each one of you and if someone wishes you a happy birthday while at the party for your friend’s birthday and if you say “You can’t wish me happy birthday tonight, this is Andrea’s birthday party, my party is on Friday,” you might be an LA woman. If you go up to a guy at a club and say hi and chat with him and then ask how old he is and if he says “I’m 23” and if you literally point and tell him to “Just go” because he is too young, you might be an LA woman. If when asked where the state of Iowa is you reply, “Iowa…….that’s somewhere in the middle, right?”, you might be an LA woman. If “flaking” is a word that you typically use to describe your behavior related to plans that you have made, you might be an LA woman. Not to stereotype, but if it fits.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know how many calories are in a Beer?!? We LA women are done with 2-3 drinks becase we like to refrain from what all those other women do... you know, EAT. And OMG! Do you know how long it takes to apply fake lashes and get your boobs to look just right in a corset top? Because if you came home from the beach at 6 and planned on leaving at 10, that'd only give you time to put on three coats of mascara and whip of blush. I really think you need more understanding regarding the LA woman, because "Iowa.... really is somewhere in the middle."

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you serious?

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like... um... kathryn? or bananas? whatever. You're totally one of those girls that eat right?

12:33 AM  

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