In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Visitor # 9

My ninth visitor came out to LA this past weekend, but Jules ranks behind no one. It was great having her out here for a weekend. Although it was brief, we did some cool stuff and I think she got a good feel for LA. We spent a lot of time cruising through the Hollywood Hills on Mulholland Drive as I attempted to drive to Malibu. After pulling over to ask someone for directions, we were informed that it would take over 4 hours to get to Malibu by Mulholland Drive because the road is so curvy. We also went to check out a Fox sitcom taping at CBS Studios. It's called Happy Hour, it's based in Chicago, and will air on Thursday nights this fall. Might want to check it out, it could be funny. It's one of those shows that Scabbies would probably find very ammusing.

Without ever having been to Cali, Jules actually said to me before she arrived, "Are people going to know I'm not from there?" Yes, she is still adorable, she actually says things like that. I think she found that she fit in just fine. It was great having her out here and I'm very glad she made the trip.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww...thanks dude:) I am honored to be featured in the blog. I think you're just where you need to be, and that has to feel pretty damn good.

12:02 AM  
Blogger Jay Davits said...

you can't just find love like that in a bar or on the beach, it is under some rock deep in depths of a mountain range, untouched by man himself. They tell you not to remove anything from the wild, but you don't just take pictures to share with your friends of yourself by the rock or whats underneath - you take the special something ( or someone : ) ) home to keep forever because it is yours and you found it and now you have a bond to share that no one else can capture in time again! The beatles once said -"all ya need is love, love, love is all ya need"

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, you're the best Jonny D. We actually had a conversation during my trip about how much we liked you and how cool you are, so I guess there's some love right there. You're a smart man Mr. Davit:)

6:20 PM  

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