In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

If this has happened to you....then you can relate

Danny Blaize just sent me some pics from senior year in IC and I took some time to reflect. Last summer in IC was great; working from 10-3pm everyday (if you consider driving around in a truck and surfing the internet work), playing golf everyday for free, without the hustle and bustle like during the school year. Sure it was 110 degrees outside everyday, but when you're griling-out and drinking, it doesn't really matter. Although I was more than ready to get the hell out of IC by the end of the summer, part of me is pinned to the idea of that summer; riding bikes to the bar, listening to stories from my 55 year old boss who did every drug on the planet, making sure I got to every single bar in IC before I left. When you think about it, going to college in IC is so random, but then again, completely random things can turn out to provide the best experiences.

On more than a few occasions over the last nine months, I have caught myself looking forward to college. The only problem with that is that I am already done with college. But on certain occasions when I watch TV and see college kids or look at pictures of college life, I have thought to myself, "That's going to be sweet when I get to experience that. I'm really looking forward to college." When I snap back into reality, I'm just stunned and an imminent feeling of anxiety creeps over me, the same thing you feel when you realize you forgot something important and you don't have time to go back and get it. It's can it be over? Where are all the people that I spent every waking minute with for the last four years? Did I really just do all that stuff? How is there not something like that on the horizon?

When I look at these pics, I wonder.......

When is the next time I will be able to go drinking at Panchero's?

Or act like a homo at a gay bar with no fear because Iowa gay people are harmless.....(I don't even know what that means)

Sesh, you were there.

Or get bear-hugged by a guy named Herbal.

Or go on bike bar crawls......

Or rap with real rappers......

So much of one's adolescent life is spent looking forward; to junior high, to high school, but mainly to college. You just keep thinking that the next big experience is right on the horizon, and it just isn't college anymore. TM


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