In The Ends

"We only want to be free. And as funny as it sounds it's all we want. To not have our egos bound with the rays of suns. Because man should be free as falling rain. To find what he loves even if it's pain" - The Growlers

Monday, May 08, 2017

Death Valley

On the longtime LA bucket list.  Nice to check it off for a work event.  Strange place.  Massive.

Met the chief of the Timbisha Shoshone tribe while he was playing guitar at the only restaurant on their property.  Nice guy.  Said they have plans to build a hotel and embrace the marijuana industry.  I do think it has potential and gave him some advice.

Played golf at the lowest elevation golf course in the world.  They have some grass.  It's not terrible!

Need to spend more time here.


Blogger Unknown said...

So handsome on the horse! :) haha

10:27 PM  

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